You know you’re family will be financially stable when you pass away. You’ve got life insurance that will pay out after your death, and your will is in order too. So why do you need funeral cover?
The answer is quite simple.
When you pass away, your family will not immediately be able to touch any of the money that you have saved up. All your possessions, including property, cash, and all investments, should be written up in your estate. And it could take months before everything is sorted out, and this becomes available to your family. This could leave them in a very difficult position, having to arrange a funeral without the necessary funds.
Funeral cover pays out directly after death. In some cases your family could receive the cash within 24 hours after submitting the claim. This means they will immediately have cash available to arrange the funeral, without having to loan money or go under financial strain.
Funeral cover could start from less than R40 per month, giving you the peace of mind that money will be immediately available in case of death.
Taking out funeral cover well in advance will also give you and your family a good idea of the amount of money that will be available should you suddenly pass away.
You would therefore be able to indicate to your family what kind of funeral you would prefer, and even make preliminary arrangements yourself.
Arranging cover doesn’t have to take long. These days there are options to get online quotes within 5 minutes – without even leaving your house or having medical exams done.