Options for Cheap Student Car Insurance

Options for Cheap Student Car Insurance

Understandably, a student who owns a car and gets to drive the vehicle to university will feel proud and mighty. It is because not everyone is given the same opportunity. This kind of opportunity comes with being responsible, of course, and having a car entails being equipped with reliable student car insurance. This should be considered important, especially since insurance companies have higher rates for students. It is quite ironic to charge more to someone who barely earns his own money, but that is how the system goes. One reason behind this is that younger drivers tend to submit insurance claims more than experienced, older drivers; this explains why companies charge more.

If you are a student, you need not fret because you still have options to decrease your student car insurance premium. It is always best to study your options becauseauto insurance companies’ prices vary and you will find that partnering with the right insurer is like a roller-coaster ride. The internet is a very powerful tool to gather quotes you can review. Some choose the easy way out for the meantime by riding on with their folk’s policy, but that only applies if they continue living with their parents. Staying in a university or in a dorm creates a different story. It is still advisable to get your own coverage.

Student auto insurance can be three types: third party only, third party with option against fire and theft, and comprehensive coverage. The first one is the most basic, where you are covered for claims made by someone else after an accident. It pays for damages and injury. The second one is like the first one, except that on top of the coverage, you can file a claim when you get victimized by thieves or by fire. The last one covers everything, including personal expenses (body injury and vehicle damage) that may arise from an accident.

Here are some tips to get lower rates for your first student car insurance and every year thereafter:

  • Choose an older car model
  • Make sure your car has the necessary safety features like proper seatbelts, air bags, and security alarm
  • Drive carefully and responsibly, keep your apprehension records low or zero and never drive under the influence of addictive substances
  • Minimize your mileage, do not drive unless you absolutely need to
  • Keep your school grades high, in order to prove that you are a conscientious student.

Getting yourself a reliable auto insurance policy can be the first ever adult decision you have ever made. Be efficient by making it right the first time.

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