Law Office of Michael Levitis – The Best Place To Get Genuine Debt Relief Services

Very few people across America have managed to remain safe from the financial crisis that has been caused by the recession across the globe. Given the shortage of cash, most of these people use credit cards for necessary expenses, which makes them unknowingly pile on the debt on their shoulders. There are even cases where people, already burdened by the debt of banks and financial institutions were forced to take new debts creating greater problems for them. As the number of debtors across the country increases, more and more people are considering debt settlement solutions to become debt free. Many such people across Brooklyn and New York have benefited from the expert advice of the Law Office of Michael Levitis, who are renowned for their success in numerous bankruptcy and debt relief cases.


Not many people are aware of the fact that debt relief program is any day a better option than filing for bankruptcy. Bankruptcy not only affects the financial standing of the debtors but also lowers their credit rankings and goodwill. Moreover, the creditors also feels dissatisfied and tend to carry a grudge against the debtors for life, since the bankruptcy of the debtors causes them to lose a large percentage of their credited amount.


On the other hand, debt relief programs not only enable the debtors to keep most of their assets but also do not cause any bad publicity for them. In addition, these programs enable the debtors and the creditors to reach a settlement that ensures the recovery of significant part of loan over a period of time. The Law Office of Michael Levitis has helped numerous people to become debt free through different debt relief programs. The two most popular types of debt relief programs are debt settlement and debt consolidation both of which have been approved and certified by the government.


The Law Office of Michael Levitis offers the best suited debt relief services to the clients based on their case specifications. For further information, visit their website at

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