Fuel cards help companies streamline their administration when it comes to managing driver expenses. In some instances they offer deals so an organisation pays a set weekly rate for fuel. This could mean a discount of several pence per litre. Not only are expenses easy to manage, but there is a cost saving element too. Switching to a fuel card system means that you pay the exact amount out to cover expenses, avoiding any element of overpayment and on the flip side, drivers are never left short changed or out of pocket.
As environmental concerns become more and more a part of how we do business, fuel cards have another important benefit. They allow companies to get a better idea of how much fuel they are using, so they can calculate their carbon footprint. Any unnecessary fuel waste and inefficient routes can be identified and modified. With this analysis and better planning, a business can run a greener fleet and help do their bit for the environment.
A fuel card can work in a number of different ways. They can be restricted purely to the purchase of petrol and diesel or set up to allow the user to buy items available in the shop on the forecourt. Safeguards are built into usage. Obviously the concern is they might be used inappropriately. Fleet managers can be set up with alerts to alleviate these concerns. If large amounts of fuel are being bought, or at a strange time of day, a warning is sent to alert the office to what is happening.
Theft is another major concern. To safeguard against large bills being run up, simply register the card to the company vehicle. That way it can only used to fill up that car and no other.
Traditionally these cards were the preserve of hauliers, but now company car drivers such as sales reps use them extensively. If you’re looking for a simpler, greener and more cost effective way of managing your fleet, why not give them a try?