Category Archives: Accounting

Nowadays the latest trend of shopping does not involve cash to be carried along but the availability of credit card solves the purpose. It is undoubtedly easy to swipe in cards then that of using cash, with the ease of using credit card one must never forget that the credit card bill needs to be cleared out before the billing date of the card. If the dues on the card is not paid before fifty two days or the grace period the card will incur charges. The charges goes significantly high inclu......
Once or more in a person’s lifetime, there arise situations where one finds himself or herself in a tight spot emanating from credit owed due to use of credit cards and when this happens, the only meaningful option is for the debtor to apply for consolidation loan to enable him or her sort issues and get back on track. Those who use several credit cards should also bear in mind that tracking the expenses can be extremely difficult and in some cases, impossible. Having lost of track o......
I hear that CVAs don’t work??  So why do they sometimes get a bad press?  The reasons are simple. If a company in a CVA continues to perform poorly despite the creditor pressure being lifted, then the company may not succeed. However this does not mean the whole process is flawed. It simply means that things can and do go wrong for businesses in any industry or economic climate. Hard economic truths aside, in our view the majority of cases CVAs fail because they have not been careful......
You might be searching for a bank loan or a credit card, but the vital factor is you have to make sure that you have a solid credit score and a supportive credit history. Although there are many institutions or banks to provide credit, all of them would thoroughly examine your past transactions and credit history. You have to prove your reliability as a customer to the bank that you apply for a loan. Loans are provided for only those people with an impressive track record of credit. Your c......
The major issue between International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) has been a topic of interest in the accounting world this past decade.  Today, most countries in the world use International Financial Reporting Standards guidelines.  The United States, however, still uses Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.  The issue has been a main focal point because the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) will decide by the year 2011 o......
2 Surprising Reasons Your Sales and Cash Flow will go upwhen you finally stop doing your bookkeeping once and for all. FIRST: 19 out of 20 small businesses can double their net cash flow in 120-160 days and rapidly build sales.All you need to do is find the 10% to 20% of what you’re doing now – that is NOT impacting your customersand STOP doing it. The best place to start is with your accounting services. We us outsourcing accounting asa best first step. This allows you to re-allocat......
This is not a conspiracy theory, but rather an exposé of how the inadequacies of the Accounting Model could be used as a “weapon” against us.  The accounting fraternity has been aware of the serious shortcomings of the Accounting Model for the past two decades or more. They know they have problems, and that they are getting progressively worse, but have done little, or nothing to address them.  This all stems from: -1)   The Accounting Model’s inability to measure the tru......
Sponsor What is cost accounting? Cost accounting consists of the identification, measurement, collection, analysis, preparation, and communication of financial information. Cost accounting, sometimes also referred to as managerial accounting, helps provide financial information used to:   I. Equip managers for decision-making II. Improve a manager’s ability to make decisions III. Control and manage resources.   The Need for Cost Accounting This can be described as the process of accu......
Author comments: I have expressed about an ‘Accrual basis accounting and cash basis accounting’ method and the difference between these methods through a short, essay plain approach in one of my articles “Wahid’s guess” I believe the learners would have understand about both of accounting method,   Now, in this article I have presented that which accounting method is better for an organization accounting structure, Again I have explained the meaning of two methods ......
A payroll outsourcing business is one that offers payroll additional financial services to businesses small and large. They employ a numeral of people who are completely qualified in different financial disciplines desirable by businesses to route their payroll requirements. Traditionally, businesses have constantly had their own financial section. They have traditionally employed their hold financial staff of accountants tax experts that deal with the weekly or monthly payroll, operatio......