What would be the prime element that comes to your mind when you think of credit cards? Those people who are more into shopping would talk endlessly about the advantages of credit cards as it reduces the risk of carrying money always. On the other side, wise people who are aware o0f the complexities and problems involved in using credit cards, tells that it is not a better option to carry those cards always. If you have an ideal credit history with a reputable credit score, you can easily avail a credit card. Spending should be done wisely using the credit card as it may create several problems if you are unable to pay the amount charged.
When you use credit cards, the actual amount you pay is greater than the original amount as a certain amount is being added to the original amount and you need to pay this amount. The interest rates would increase gradually if you fail to pay the amount or dues and at last you would have to pay a larger amount. If you fail to pay the dues in time, it would make a negative impression on your credit history. When you have such an adverse condition of bad credit history, then getting a complete credit clean-up is not an easy task. Different procedures have to be undertaken before getting complete credit clean-up.
Initially you have to clear the dues in your account taking help from any other source. In case if you fail to pay and clear the dues, the credit history remains negative. According to the delay of payments, the credit score is calculated and hence payments should be done faster. You can close your account in the bank soon after you clear all such pending dues. Any delay in clearing the payments will affect the credit score and history, so it is vital to clear it without making further delay.
Next you have to be extra careful so that you do not apply or take any other credit for at least a period of three years and should refrain yourself from taking an account from the same bank. This would help in getting a proper clean-up of the credit score as your credit history would be obliterated. This will help you to retain a better position by giving you the opportunity to reframe your credit history and credit score. It will get a new phase and you are getting ample time to make the credit history perfect. Now your credit score is highly impressive and you can surely avail benefits of credit cards. You had to face the above problems because of your negligence in paying the bills in time. It is necessary that soon after you get a clean-up, you do not repeat the same mistakes that you did before. Paying the bills in correct time would help in keeping the credit score perfect so that it will be beneficial for you in a number of situations.