Account Now is a leading provider of prepaid credit cards. These credit cards will allow you to shop anywhere Visa or Mastercard are accepted, pay bills or go on vacation. They are also a favorite for student budgets to help you get through school. They tout the ability to help you build your credit. Account now reports your bill paying activity (Bill paying service offered free) to a bill paying credit reporting agency that builds a score for you.
Because the card is preloaded with the amount you specify or preloaded with your direct deposit checks it acts just like a checking account without the overdraft fees and other similar fees that can get you into trouble. You can never spend more than you have on the card so this is an ideal solution for anyone working to improve their budgeting skills or to overcome their lack of organization that causes trouble when it comes to balancing the checkbook. It is important when you are trying to create new habits that you seek opportunities to help you in your endeavor and the account now credit card will offer that assistance.
Another big benefit offered to account now credit card users is the bill paying system. You can setup a schedule to pay your bills automatically through your account now account free of charge. This bill paying system is part of what allows for the building of your credit and bill paying history and at no charge it is something that can be a real benefit to many. For anyone looking to have a prepaid option these cards offer a great opportunity.